
Hermann Struck - Dreamer on the Carmel

Hermann Struck (1876-1944) is considered as one of the most important print artists of Germany and Israel in the first half of the 20th century. For more than forty years as a successful and respected artist, he created a wealth of works on paper, mainly portraits and scenery.

Thursday, 06.04.17, 20:00
More info: 046030800

Berlin, City of Lights: Between the Two World Wars

Germany of the 1920s witnessed the birth of a new artistic movement, called "Neue Sachlichkeit" or "New Objectivity." The present exhibition addresses this movement's significant impact on the Jewish-German artists who immigrated to Palestine in those years, and its partial affinity with the work of Hermann Struck.

Thursday, 06.04.17, 20:00
Sunday, 24.12.17

On Thursdays and Fridays the entrance to the new exhibition is only 20₪.


More info: 046030800

Shahar Marcus: Self Print

Shahar Marcus is a performance artist focusing on video and performance works. In this exhibition he presents video works made in recent years, alongside prints based on frames taken from those works.

Thursday, 06.04.17, 20:00
Sunday, 24.12.17

On Thursdays and Fridays the entrance to the new exhibition is only 20₪.

More info: 04-9127090

Opening of the Exhibitions: "Berlin, City of Lights: Between the Two World Wars" and the Solo Exhibition: "Shahar Marcus: Self Print"

You are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibitions: Berlin, City of Lights: Between the Two World Wars, and the Solo Exhibition: Shahar Marcus: Self Print .

Thursday, 06.04.17, 20:00
More info: 046030800
Contact Free

Hermann Struck: Jewish Zionist Artist - The New Collection

This comprehensive exhibition presents about two hundred works by Hermann Struck from the Museum's collections. The works reflect the two main themes that engaged Struck's interest: the human image and landscape - themes that complement each other. Struck's

Thursday, 13.10.16, 20:00
Friday, 10.03.17

Curator: Dr. Irit Miller

More info: 046030800

"New Bezalel":

The German Influence in Israeli Art

In 1933, after Hitler's rise to power, large numbers of German-Jewish artists and intellectuals began leaving Germany for Palestine. Most were followers of German expressionism, well-rooted in the German cultural heritage.

Thursday, 16.07.15
Friday, 12.02.16
More info: 046030800

Steinhardt and Struck: An Artist and His Mentor

From the Collections of the Hermann Struck Museum and The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Jakob Steinhardt (1887- 1986) was one of the most influential print artists on Israeli art and a distinguished disciple of Hermann Struck.

Thursday, 19.02.15
Sunday, 28.06.15
More info: 046030800

Danny Kerman, Avner Katz, and Moshe Hoffman after Jakob Steinhardt

Jakob Steinhardt was a beloved teacher among his students. After earning a place as an esteemed artist in the Berlin art scene, he arrived in Israel in the 1930s, where he devoted himself to teaching while pursuing his artistic activities. Three of his disciples who studied in the same class in Bezalel were Danny Kerman, Avner Katz, and Moshe Hoffman.

Thursday, 19.02.15
Sunday, 28.06.15
More info: 046030800

Degrees of Darkness: Contemporary art of print encounters Francisco Goya

In 1799 Francisco Goya published his critical series of etchings entitled "Los Caprichos", using the aquatint techniques in the groundbreaking manner for the first time.

Thursday, 30.10.14
Saturday, 24.01.15
More info: 046030800

Francisco Goya: Masterworks on Paper

Francisco Goya (1746-1828) had great influence on romantic and protest-realism art in general, and on artists of the 20th century in particular.

Thursday, 18.09.14
Saturday, 24.01.15
More info: 046030800